- After listening to Ambrosia’s “Biggest Part of Me” on XM’s ‘70s channel yesterday I realized how I own nary a single album of theirs. (And that is odd because I am a serious smooth '70s fan.) Needless to say, I’ve since remedied that situation. If you're also a forgot-you-are fan, Rhino High Five has an EP containing all the heavy hitters: “Biggest Part of Me”, “How Much I Feel,” “You’re The Only Woman."
- As you may be aware, I’m into TED talks these days. I just watched Meg Jay’s “30 Is Not the New 20” and got major goose bumps. (And, it actually made me feel pretty good about some of my life choices, which was a nice little bonus.) She doesn't have quite the finesse that Brene Brown has, but she has some great things to say, as well as some wonderful advice. A must-see for sure.
- I know I’m only contributing to the broken record that is the commentary on Miley Cyrus this week, but I can’t help myself. Yes, I happen to be a fan (on one hand because the rebel in me admires a girl who doesn't give a f****, and then on the other hand, in the face of everyone criticizing her, it makes me want to stick up for her more.) And let's be reals here: "We Can't Stop" is great pop music. Today, my friend sent me this interesting commentary on how everybody’s missing the point that the song is actually a depressing homage to the highs and lows of drug use. And while the interpretation is a startlingly accurate and sobering analysis of which I can't disagree with, I choose to respond to it in perhaps a more innocent way. The lyrics that “It’s our party we can do what we want/It’s our party we can say what we want/It’s our party we can love who want” is also about living your own life, your own way, regardless of societal and peer pressures. Though I agree that the song’s primary theme is probably about getting high on the party drug “Molly”, I think that its dual meaning is also about being true and real and honest to yourself and others, which for me is an even more universally felt and positive message. (Although I will say, I’m quite glad to have become educated on Molly.)
- On a semi-related note, if you aren’t reading Zen Habits then you might want to consider it. This week, Leo Babuta had the following quote, which was about eating healthy, but which also pertains to life in general: “Be curious. . . . Let go of expectations and prejudgments. You might find out some interesting things.”
- Summer is ending, which is always a little bittersweet, but I ain’t gonna lie: fall fashion is the freaking best. Bring on the sweaters, boots, and denim!
That's all for this Thirsty Thursday. Have a lovely and relaxing Labor Day weekend!