Five Things
- I came home late last night to a mailbox full of thick, glossy "September issues" and it was as if someone had given me a thick wad of 20s and said, "Here. Go have fun." Needless to say, September is a great month if you're a magazine whore like me. (By the by, did you see Oprah's hair on the cover of O?)

- Beyond staying in my PJs as long as I feel like today, I'm planning on catching up on some music videos. And while I know both the songs quite well, I've been informed that the videos to Justin Timberlake's "Mirrors" and Katy Perry's "Wide Awake" are current essentials.
- It's been a couple weeks since I've been using the Clarisonic Plus, and I have to say: it really is all they say it is. After having the system on my wish list for a couple years, I finally went for it after reading repeated interviews in one week about how the Clarisonic was the one face product they couldn't live without. I've been using the sensitive brush head so far and it provides the perfect amount of exfoliation for daily or every other day use. My skin has never felt so smooth.
- I am one of the few females in the world who dislikes weddings and all the hoopla associated with them. (And I realize this makes me a curmudgeon of sorts.) A bachelorette party, on the other hand, when suited to the bride's personality rather than the generic mainstream standard of our time, is a festive and important prelude to the bride's big day. But why must they be only a one-time event?
- Though I consider myself a reflective person, when it comes to making decisions I typically let instinct and intuition be my guide and just do it. In some cases, I wind up making decisions very quickly, in other cases, sometimes rashly. On the whole, though, my decision-making hasn't failed me, yet anyway. This wonderful post on how decision-making should be viewed as an experiment, rather than something that needs to be overthought (when there is never a predetermined outcome to a decision anyway), was illuminating and insightful, and well, made me feel a little more justified in my approach to decisions.
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